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Multimedia advertisement

We offer advertisements in many forms. By engaging with search engines, social media, mobile apps ,and online celebrities to reach users and boost brand recognition in regionally and globally.

Search Engines

Multimedia advertisement
Multimedia advertisement
Multimedia advertisement
Multimedia advertisement
Multimedia advertisement
Multimedia advertisement
Multimedia advertisement
Multimedia advertisement
Multimedia advertisement

Present Business Location on Map

Search engines visualized add on function: besides showing business information and address as a result, business locations are also exactly shown on map.

Multimedia advertisement

Organic Search Result

Keywords search marketing strategy not only can be used in google search engine, but also can be seen on the following well-known search engines: 經理人、自由時報、卡堤諾論壇、中時電子報、Mobile01論壇、蕃薯藤…

Mobile Ads

By using the SEO code system, ads show individualized pop up advertisement information on different websites.

Multimedia advertisement

Mobile Search

Multimedia advertisement


Multimedia advertisement

Pop-up Ad

Social Platform

Based on customers’ requirements to custom-made advertisement and publish it on Facebook or instagram. Once users click the advertisement which leads users back to the promoted business customer’s home website.

Multimedia advertisement
Multimedia advertisement
Multimedia advertisement


Multimedia advertisement


Multimedia advertisement


Radio Podcast Ads

By meeting customers’ expectation to create narrative or dialogue type of advertisement and play on radio stations.

 Voice Over

  • Narrative voice actor
  • Porducts Promotional voice actor
  • Voice over is a part of keys of the branding and marketing of a product or to boost brand awareness, whether it be on a real estate or brand name companies.


  • By using character voice actors narrate a commercial script to promote products and capture auditions’ attention. Running promotion activities or Hospitality services both can benefit the individualized message generated from the power of voice overs.

Online Celebrity / Influencer Marketing Strategy

Based on targeting audiences, marketing strategies criteria to identify and deploy online celebrities for product introduction and promotion.

Multimedia advertisement

Broaden the search scope

Image and word description for completed information delivery

Cost friendly

Multimedia advertisement

Excellent choice in promotion activities
Products endorsement
Brand awareness

Multimedia advertisement

Across difference demographics, massive internet acceptance
High traffic presence boosts brand recognition 
Higher marketing cost

Multimedia advertisement
